
Rivets Disposable Slippers


With Incredible Features
A great privilege for the customer as one of the dynamic product named Rivets Disposable Slippers with incredible features like a pair slippers, open toe, disposable, anti-skid, wear resistant, comfortable has rocked the market by promoting your brand via this product among your customers which can be used as wearing.
Product Details
Product Size: 0 x 0 x 0 cm
Imprint Size: Screen Printing(Can be reduce or increase)
Imprint Method:0 x 0 x 0 cm
Packing Method: Individually Poly Bag
Product Features:A Pair Slippers, Open Toe, Disposable, Anti-skid, Wear Resistant, Comfortable
Product Material: Ethylene Vinyl Acetate (eva)

Product Built With Good Materials
The Rivets Disposable Slippersis a hard to resist product with outstanding parts that can be used as which is built with high precision and good part, thereby promoting your company name